Time Deposits (CDB)

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The Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB) is a fixed-income security registered to the client, issued by Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A as a term deposit, with the Term and Rate conditions established at the time of closing the transaction. The CDB's remuneration can be referenced to pre-fixed rates, post-fixed rates, rates linked to the variation in the CDI, Selic or rates indexed to price indices (IPCA or IGP-M). CDB investments help investors in their planning strategies by offering short-, medium- and long-term investments.

Investments in CDBs have additional coverage from the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), up to a limit of R$250,000 per CPF/CNPJ, per financial institution or conglomerate.

For additional information on the FGC's guarantee conditions, please consult the link listed below: https://www.fgc.org.br/backend/upload/media/arquivos/Normas/regulamento.pdf

Issuer:Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A

Target Audience: Individuals or Legal Entities

Investment Term and Liquidity: The terms and liquidity conditions of CDB issues are established at the time the transactions are closed. Issuances can be characterized as:

- Final Term: Redemption takes place only on the date negotiated between the client and the Bank for the maturity of the operation. In this condition, there is no grace period or anticipated liquidity for redemption.

- Staggered: Staggered CDB issues offer redemption options on predefined dates between the issue date and the final maturity date of the CDB. The rate of return increases the longer the funds remain invested with the Bank. The rate set for the CDB's redemption date is applied for the entire period from the start of the operation. It is aimed at investors who may need liquidity at regular intervals and ensures a more attractive return over time.

Applicable Taxation:

IRPF (Income Tax at Source): According to Art. 46 of Brazilian Federal Revenue Normative Instruction No. 1,585/2015, IRPF (Income Tax at Source) is levied according to the regressive table at the time of redemption or maturity of the CDB and is levied on the gross profitability of the investment. Link to I.N Nº 1.585/2015: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2007/Decreto/D6306.htm#anexo


Tax Rate

Up to 180 days


From 181 up to 360 days


From 361 aup to 720 days


Above 721 days


IOF (Tax on Financial Transactions) is levied on redemptions made before 30 days, according to Art. 32 of Decree No. 6.306/2007, listed at the following link: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2007-2010/2007/decreto/d6306.htm

The income credited to the account is already net of IOF and IR.

Product Risk Rating: The Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB) product issued by Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A is rated Conservative for terms of up to 3 years and Moderate for terms of over 3 years, or if indexed to price indices.

Main Risk Factors:

- Liquidity Risk: Likely to occur in CDB issues with a return to be assigned on the maturity of the paper (Post or Pre-Fixed CDBs without the condition of anticipated liquidity), or in issues with redemption windows (Staggered CDB), conditions negotiated at the time of closing the operation. If the investor needs the amount invested in advance, they will not be able to redeem it.

- Market Risk: Risk associated with losses that may occur due to variations in market price indices (e.g. interest rates, price indices, exchange rates). Changes in the macroeconomic scenario make it possible for market risk to occur in financial investments such as pre-fixed CDBs and CDBs linked to price indices.

- Credit Risk: This is defined as the possibility of losses associated with the issuer's failure to fulfill its financial obligations in accordance with the issue/agreement between the parties. Investors should assess the quality of the risk presented by the financial institution before making their investments. We confirm that CDB operations are covered by the Credit Guarantee Fund.

This institution adheres to the ANBIMA Code of Regulation and Best Practices for the Distribution of Investment Products.

Click here to access the document “Rules and Procedures for Transparency in Distributors' Remuneration”.