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BOC Brasil collection offers technology and advice for agile and guaranteed solutions. It enables you to better manage your receivables and make it easier for your customers to pay you. Its qualified team provides the technical support needed for implementation and maintenance.

Learn about the Collection Convention between the Institutions of the National Financial System.


BOC Brasil offers complementary tools to help its clients issue boletos and generate magnetic files to be transmitted to the Bank. BOC Brasil's Bookkeeping Collection is carried out through the exchange of electronic files.

Registered Express Collection

The BOC Brasil Registered Express Collection client has the option of sending a file to the Bank with the data from its collection portfolio or sending a copy of each printed boleto for complete registration and control of the operation.

Simple Collection

Also known as Cobrança Borderô, BOC Brasil's Simple Collection is responsible for issuing, printing and delivering boletos. BOC Brasil records the information on all printed boletos. To facilitate the administration and control of your company's collection portfolio, a report is provided to the client with the movement and forecast of receipts.

New Bank Collection

FEBRABAN - the Brazilian Federation of Banks, together with the banking network, is developing a New Collection Platform to modernize the boletos de pagamento (bank collection) system, bringing greater security and agility to society as a whole.

The main benefit is that the payer of an overdue boleto no longer needs to go to the issuing bank to settle their debt. With the new platform, it will be possible to pay an overdue boleto through any of the bank's receiving channels.

Find out more about the New Collection Platform.