A bank guarantee is an instrument that guarantees a bank client's commitment to a third party, with BOC Brasil as the guarantor, the client as the guarantor and the third party as the beneficiary.
In order to serve its corporate clients, BOC Brasil works with all types of guarantee at competitive rates, has a specialized team and has developed a practical and agile process for requesting, analyzing and releasing letters of guarantee.
Submit your proposal (you don't need to be a client).
Check the authenticity of a Letter of Guarantee here: Enter the information on the letterhead. If there is any difference between the letter you received and the letter that will appear in your query, please contact BOC Brasil via SAC on 0800 701 0224, or by e-mail at sac@bocbrasil.com.br.
Bid Bond
Required together with the bid for participation in tendering processes by public bodies or private companies. Guarantees that the winning company will sign the contract.
Payment Bond
Guarantees payment for the purchase of products and services from suppliers, by means of a contract or purchase order between the parties, in accordance with the deadline given for this.
Performance Bond
Guarantees the performance of the object described in the contract.
Down payment guarantee
Required when the contractor advances some funds to the contracted company. This guarantee refers exclusively to the amount advanced, even with a contract as a reference.
Judicial guarantee
Used to guarantee discussions in court (labor lawsuit, execution, etc.).
Tax guarantee
Used to guarantee tax claims.
BM&F Bovespa Guarantee
Used to guarantee a hedge or margin deposit in financial transactions with BM&F BOVESPA.
Lease guarantee
Guarantees the landlord (beneficiary), in the event of default by the tenant (guarantor), receipt of the expenses provided for in the rental agreement.