The United Nations (UN) launched in 2015 the 2030 Agenda, which is a plan for all stakeholders to work engaged and in favor of socio-environmental issues until 2030. The agenda is composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are a call for global action to end poverty, protect the environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity.
The UN defines the Sustainable Development goals as “integrated and indivisible”, in other words, the balance of the three pillars of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental) and the interconnected relationship between each of them. It is understood that it is not possible to advance in a goal without working and developing others jointly.
The CCB Brasil Conglomerate seeks to be aligned with the 17 SDGs in its business strategy, risk exposure and eco-efficiency actions. Find below some examples of how the Institution cover the three pillars (ESG – social, economic and environmental).
In line with the best Eco-efficiency practices and policies, which include waste management and Greenhouse Gas emissions, the Bank seeks to improve its processes, controls and procedures, implementing measures that promote the preservation of natural resources and the conscious consumption of energy in your activities.
For CCB Brasil, the eco-efficiency guidelines contemplate the reduction of consumption and/or proper disposal of resources:
• Water;
• Electricity;
• Paper;
• Fuels;
• Reduce CO2 emissions;
• Electronic waste: monitors, printers, computers and components, among others;
• Other solid waste: printer cartridges, paper, hazardous waste (fluorescent lamps, chemicals used in cleaning, batteries, etc.).
Also, as a measure to contribute positively to the environment, the Institution has socio-environmental criteria in the supplier selection and monitoring processes.
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