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China Construction Bank (CCB), one of the biggest financial conglomerates of the world, a Chinese public bank, founded in 1954, with the goal to support China´s development. Nowadays, with negotiated actions in the stock market of Shanghai and Hong Kong and market value of US$ 172,9 billion and offering service to more than 300 million customer portfolio, CCB holds the fourth position among the greatest financial institutions of the world, in the international ranking of Forbes magazine, 2023. It works with a team of about 362, 5 thousand employees, with 15 thousand bank agencies and abroad it is in all continents, through its 251 subsidiaries, under the slogan´s concept “Builds a better future”.

Since 2014, it is a mark in Brazil with its subsidiary CCB Brasil, representing a highlight in the strategy of CCB´s internationalization of CCB, with the goal of being the main intermediary of financial business to support the foreign business stream between Brazil and China, being the anchor operation of the conglomerate in Latin America.

Occupying a chief role in the business stimuli between the two countries, registered as China Construction Bank (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A, with the headquarters in São Paulo (SP), acts in the financial segments demanded by the corporate market. CCB Brasil has a team of more than 340 employees, with activities distributed among the headquarters and eigth points of service, in strategic places of the national territory. It also has an agency in Grand Cayman. The Institution operates through its credit, investments and exchange portfolio, oriented to assist especially large firms.