Rules for cash withdrawals

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For your security, you have a daily limit for withdrawals from 24-hour ATMs. However, you can also withdraw amounts greater than your daily withdrawal limit at any Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A service point, find out how:

• For amounts up to R$ 5mil withdraw directly at the cashier of any Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A service point;

• For amounts above R$ 5,000, contact one of our employees at the service point of your Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A business relationship, 48 hours in advance of the withdrawal day, and;

• For amounts equal to or greater than R$ 50,000 reserve the amount at least 72 hours before the withdrawal date, in person, at the service point of your Bank of China (Brasil) Banco Múltiplo S/A business relationship.